Virtual Tour
Ride for Nation: Bike Rally
Ride for Nation: Bike Rally

Ride for Nation: Bike Rally

The students of Gandhinagar Institute of Technology participated in the “Ride for Nation: Bike Rally” on Republic Day, 26/01/2018. The event was organized by CII-YI and Healthy Campus (an initiative of the NCB) at Riverfront, Ahmedabad, 7:00 AM. It was organized as an attempt to create awareness about Noise Pollution due to honking, Drug Abuse, Bribery, Project Masoom, Gift An Organ and Swachh Bharat. Shri Hari Om Gandhi (Zonal Director, NCB) was the chief guest of the event. Around 700 bikers rode through the city and spread awareness about the above issues. GIT actively participated in the event with 110 participants.

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