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Two days workshop on “Hands-on: IoT Application & Security”
Two days workshop on “Hands-on: IoT Application & Security”

Two days workshop on “Hands-on: IoT Application & Security”

Gandhinagar University organized a two day workshop on “Hands-on: IoT Application & Security” on February 23rd and 24th, 2023. The workshop was organized for 6th Semester students by the Computer Engineering Department & Information Technology Department of Gandhinagar Institute of Technology and GU-IQAC under guidance of Dr. H. N. Shah (Director-GIT) and Dr. Nimisha Patel (HOD CE/IT). More than 60 students and faculty members from CE and IT Departments attended the workshop. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Nitin Padariya (Teaching and Research Assistant, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar). The workshop enlightened the students and provided exposure for the latest trend and technology about the topic with practical demonstration. In addition, the workshop also provides scope and career opportunities in subject prospective. As well covered a range of topics, Hands-on exercise and features technical deep dive, demonstration along with live Q&A.

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