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Masters of Software Engineering

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About Department

Computer Engineering (CE) is a branch that demands well-qualified computer professionals which entails both software and hardware processes. It is a demand of the next-generation computing era which endeavours to secure social and industrial needs. The department was established in 2006 which offers four years Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering and two years Master Degree in Computer Engineering with specialization in Software Engineering. We nurture the students with the industry enabled tools and innovative ideas that can be applied practically to the domain of interest. Unwavering, qualified and experienced faculties are dedicated to educate students such that they are best equipped to serve the society, nation and the world as professional scholars. A range of well-equipped computer laboratories in the current emerging trends like IOT, AI/ML, Python, Android Programming, JAVA, Web Technology etc. are established in the department.

Courses Offered:


To empower students of Computer Engineering Department to be technologically adept, innovative and self-motivated. Furthermore, expediate them to contribute in the high-quality technical education and research to meet demand of society and industry.




Program Outcomes (PO)

What The Students Learn Master Degree in Computer Engineering with Specialization in Software Engineering:

Faculty Members

Lab Facilities

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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