Gandhinagar University - Journal of Engineering and Technology (GU-JET)
(Formerly known as GIT- Journal of Engineering and Technology ISSN 2249-6157)
"Gandhinagar University - Journal of Engineering and Technology" (GU-JET) is a Peer Reviewed Journal which aims to provide an opportunity to research scholars, faculties, industry experts, working professionals and UG/PG students with faculty guide as a co-author to interact and share their knowledge and experience in the field of Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Engineering Mathematics. Gandhinagar University - Journal of Engineering and Technology was formerly known as GIT- Journal of Engineering and Technology & is established since 2008. GU-JET’s main objective is to motivate potential authors to provide quality research with minimum plagiarism.
It includes both fundamental and advanced research oriented ideas with an expectation that all
those who wish to contribute diverse papers such as research articles, review papers. Also, GU-JET publish research papers as special edition of International/National Conference proceedings.
Engineering & Technology is a field where a lot of research and study is required. Gandhinagar University - Journal of Engineering and Technology primarily focuses on providing a platform to the researchers of various engineering streams where a high level of teaching and learning is encouraged. Self-created theories, research; practical/theoretical work, application-based reports/studies are welcomed to add contribution to the better understanding of technical challenges.
Its scope encompasses relevant topics under the broad areas of Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Engineering Mathematics. Articles of interdisciplinary nature are welcome. Scope of our journal is not limited to below mentioned subfields of Engineering & Technology. GU- JET encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in Engineering & Technology.
The summited article (s) may cover following subfields of Engineering and Technology (GU-JET):
1. Smart Computing and Information Processing
2. Recent Trends in Microelectronics and VLSI Design
3. Challenges of Industry and their Solutions, Communications
4. Internet of Things (IoT)
5. Microwaves and Photonics
6. Computation Intelligence and Analytics
7. Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transmission
8. Advance Concept of Networking and Database
9. Machine Learning (ML) and Knowledge Mining (KM)
10. Advanced Computer networking Computational Intelligence
11. Communications
12. Algorithms and Complexity
13. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
14. Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies
15. Recent Engineering and Nano Technology
16. Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering and Technology - like Electric Vehicle, MEMS Technology & Robotics Engineering etc.
17. Advance Civil Engineering and Technology - like Green Building, Smart cities,Infrastructure Engineering etc.