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Placement Facilities

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Placement Facilities

Gandhinagar Institute of Technology boasts of a Centrally Air-conditioned Placement Plaza dedicated for the sole purpose of facilitating Huge Campus Placements in One Single Day, thereby reducing the time and energy and optimizing efforts.

Wi-Fi Enabled Campus

40 MPBS Leased Line Internet Connection through R/F technology which gives unlimited downloading & uploading.

Seminar Halls - 5

  • Large Seminar Hall: Seating Capacity 300 Persons
  • Medium Seminar Hall Seating Capacity 100 Persons.
  • Mini Seminar Halls Capacity 35 Person.

4 Personal Interview Rooms

  • Each having capacity to hold 3 panel members and 4 Interviewing Candidates.
  • All of them fully Air-conditioned.

2 Group Discussion Rooms

  • Each having capacity to hold 3 panel members and 4 Interviewing Candidates
  • All of them fully Air-conditioned.

24x7 Online 6 Computer Labs with 30 computers in each lab with internet facility

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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