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Message from Director Industry Institute Interection & Placement Cell

Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development of any country. Organization with higher and better levels of skills adjusts more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of world of work.

Needless to say a skilled and educated worker provides higher level of productivity and profit to its organization, organization prefer a worker that posses the desired skills and knowledge.

Institute Industry Interaction & Placement Cell at our Institute is headed by the Training and Placement Officer guided by the Director of the Institute and assisted by the Student Placement Coordinators.

The Institute Industry Interaction & Placement Cell follows a three pronged approach where we believe in strong Industry Interface to enable students have exposure of industries.

This training imparted compliments the efforts of the members of faculty by organizing value-addition programmes and providing placement opportunities to students. It acts as one of the major interfaces with the corporate sector and helps in developing the industry-academia inter-relationship.

The Cell organizes certain orientation programmes, grooming sessions, mock interview sessions for students of each stream. Besides, the Cell organizes various summer internship programmes for students to provide them with hands-on experience and introducing them to the professional environment.

We hope that through this initiative and continuous efforts our student will be able to raise the bar of competition and make a mark in the Industry. They will not only become good employee, worker and leader but a good human being as well.

Mr. Snehal Barot
I/C Director, Industry Institute Interaction & Placement Cell
Contact: 9687219519

Technical Training


Soft Skills


Aptitude & Attitude


Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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