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Bachelor of Pharmacy

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Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovery, manufacture, preparation, distribution, review and monitoring of drugs, with the aim of ensuring safe, effective and rational use of allopathic, herbal, ayurvedic, cosmetics, nutraceuticals, biological vaccines etc. The Indian pharmaceutical industry is one of the fastest growing segments of the Indian economy as most drugs are now manufactured by pharmaceutical industries only. Pharmacy course is a course which is recognized for private and government jobs, self-employment by industrial development as well as various courses for higher studies in Indian and foreign universities.

Additionally, students can appear for competitive and eligibility exams to become a registered pharmacist in countries like USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and European union etc.

A college provides pharmacy course must be approved by the Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi. Students passing from the approved college are only eligible for registration of pharmacists.
Academic Regulations

Courses Offered

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Intake: 60seats

Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm.) is four years (eight semesters) under-graduate program approved by Pharmacy Council of India (PCI) for 60 seats intake. Institute follows norms of Admission Committee for Professional Courses (ACPC), Gujarat State for admission process.

DURATION OF COURSE: The duration of this course is 8 semester (4 years). After the completion of this course, an individual can practice as a Pharmacist or Chemist.

ADMISSION ELIGIBILITY: Student has to Pass in 10+2 examination with Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects along with one of the Biology / Mathematics. (Group B/AB/A). Seat reservation matrix is as per the Gujarat Government norms.

To appear in Gujarat Common Entrance Test (GUJCET) to get admission in pharmacy course.  However, in case of vacant quota, students are eligible to admin without GUJCET.

Not required to clear NEET for pharmacy course admission

No age limit for taking admission in this course.

All residents of India fulfilling educational qualifications are eligible to apply.

Pharmaceutics Department

Pharmaceutics is the study of the quantitative aspects of drug delivery. The science of pharmaceutics examines the numerical elements of medicine distribution. It entails the production, in process quality control, and assessment of medications in conjunction with a suitable dose form.  A pharmaceutical research involves study of physical properties of drugs, development of novel drug delivery systems and quantitative evaluation for drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion and pharmacological activity in the living organism.

Well equipped lab for study of Pharmaceutical formulations including working facilities for sub branches like Pharmaceutics, Physical Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical engineering, Industrial Pharmacy, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacy Practice, Pharmaceutical formulation and Pharmaceutical technology.

The laboratory is equipped with a homogenizer, Ball mill, Ampoule Filling Machine, Bulk density apparatus, Ointment Filling Machine, sieve shaker, double cone blender, Capsule Filling Machine, Tray Dryer, Suppository Molds, Tincture press, Tablet Punching machine, Tablet Dissolution Test Apparatus etc.


The Pharmaceutical chemistry and quality assurance departments are an interdisciplinary science, which has seen enormous growth in the past decades. The study under this department involves many aspects like synthesis, isolation, purification and characterization of organic compounds that can be used in medicine for the treatment and cure of diseases. Moreover the synthesized compounds are analyzed with various modern analytical techniques like chromatography, spectroscopy, Titrimetry, electrophoresis etc.

The Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Quality Assurance department is comprised of labs devoted to medicinal chemistry, Analytical chemistry, Organic chemistry, Biochemistry and inorganic pharmaceutical chemistry. Each laboratory is well equipped with state of the art instruments to give hands on experience to the students.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry and QA laboratories including working facilities for performing Assays, Drug synthesis, Drug testing, Analytical testing, Quality Control, Quality Assurance, Chromatographic Studies etc. with the help of equipments like Microwave Oven, Potentiometer, PH Meter, Flame Photometer, Conductivity Meter, Reflux Assemblies, Vacuum Pump, Muffle Furnace, Fluorimeter, Ion Exchanger etc.


The Department of Pharmacology will be covers a broad range of disciplines like including Pharmacology and Toxicology, Anatomy, Physiology, Health Education, Clinical Pharmacy, Pharmacotherapy, Pharmacy Practice and Drug Therapy Designing. This Department involves in innovation and trained highly skilled pharmacy practitioners, scientists, and educators to enhance the lives of people across the globe and trains pharmacist and leaders in patient-centered care, inter-professional practice, and patient and population-oriented research.

Pharmacology department is well equipped lab facilities for Pharmacological experiments and research including working facilities to investigate how drugs act on biological systems and how the body responds to the drug. The department consists of microscopes, Sahli’s Haemocytometer, Micropipettes, Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscopes, Hutchinson’s Spirometer, Myographic Lever, Sherringtons Kymograph Machine, Muscle Electrodes, Lucas Moist Chambers, Rotarod, Actophotometer, Convulsiometer etc.


harmacognosy department is involved in research in the field of discovery and development of herbal drugs, ayurvedic formulations and phytopharmaceuticals; identification, isolation, purification, quality control and analysis of active constituent/phytoconstituents/biomarkers and fingerprinting; enhanced in-vitro production of secondary metabolites using plant tissue culture and fermentation technologies; studies on herbal cosmetics, phytomedicines and nutraceuticals as well as screening of new drug molecules, standardized herbal drugs/extracts for their bioactivities.

Well equipped lab facilities for Pharmacognosy including working facilities for formulation of Ayurvedic and herbal medicinal products, herbal cosmetic preparations as well evaluations, phytochemical extractions, Medicinal substances of biological origin (plant, microorganism and animal products) used for human and veterinary purposes. The Muffle Furnace, Microscopes, Camera Lucida, Permanent Slides, Hot air Oven, Extraction Units, Soxhlet Apparatus, Moisture Balance, Mixture Grinder, Herbarium Sheets, Cutter Mill are available at Pharmacognosy laboratory.


Our computer center is well designed, laid out and equipped so scientifically that students can spend hours together at the terminal one: one basis without fatigue.

Internet facilities are available for staff and students. The center is connected to the internet through a leased line having an internet bandwidth of 150 Mbps through LAN and wireless link. The center is kept open beyond the official timings on requirement basis.


One of the crucial components of the educational system is the library. Both students and faculty can conduct their research and learn from the large collection of educational and reference resources in our library, which includes books, magazines, journals, and popular newspapers.

Total Number of Volumes:


Total Number of Titles:


Total Number of Journals:


Number of Computer in Library



Gandhinagar Institute of Pharmacy has adequate number of class rooms with Table, Chair, Benches, LCD Projectors, internet connectivity through that digital learning made easy to understand the difficult topics. The institute has Smart Classroom comprise with smart board, table, chair and internet connectivity.


The institute has a Training and Placement cell operating under the guidance of excellent Training & Placement In-Charge. College is located in vicinity of various Pharmaceutical Industries which help us for training & placement.Our institute has indulges in Personal and Professional Counseling for students along with Mentoring Program and Career Guidance scheme.

Our Placement and MoU Associates: list of pharma companies which are our associates to be taken from Placement department.

Faculty Members

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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