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About GISD

Gandhinagar Institute of Skill Development (GISD) is an independent and skill related institute of Gandhinagar University. The institute is approximately 15 kilometers away from Ahmedabad. GISD was initiated in May 2022 to emerge as pioneered of quality in skill education and training recognized by industries. The infrastructure at the institute is excellent but enhancing it to global standard for education, training and research in the areas related to skill development. The institute’s only purpose is to promote students’ skill education in an integrated and holistic manner.


To develop young engineers with active and creative minds, a sense of understanding and sympathy for others and the courage to act on their beliefs. We stress the total development of each student: spiritual, moral, intellectual, social, emotional and physical.


To treat every student as an individual, to recognize his / her potential and to ensure that he/she receives the best preparation to help one meets his /her career ambitions and goals.

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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