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Vice Chancellor’s Message

Vice Chancellor’s Message

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever”
Mahatma Gandhi

At the outset it is my proud privilege and immense pleasure to lead the most prestigious and esteemed Gandhinagar University as the Vice Chancellor. I devote myself to the service of developing this venerated university to the Global standards and serve my treasured students, alumni, and the dedicated staff.

Education and technology are the engines that thrive on the progress and prospects of any nation. In fact, it is a major parameter to quantify the growth and development of a nation. Principally, science, engineering & technology lead in designing, developing, and researching marketable products which consequently produce wealth. In contrast humanities, liberal arts, law, and Health Sciences are involved in the wellness of society. Engineering is a problem-solving profession. Problem solving requires in-depth knowledge in a particular field with a multidisciplinary approach. The Technology, impact on society is too great, so that engineers and scientists must convince the society by articulating what technology is going to deliver, which requires good communication skills.

In a nutshell, the transitive phase of your higher education packages shall comprise of the following: • An in-depth knowledge in the specialised field
• Vast technology explorations,
• Entrepreneurship (important to generate wealth)
• Communication skills

However, one needs to rethink the paradigm of higher education in this competitive world by adding significant five other components such as Convention, Innovation, Industrialization, Globalization and Ethics.
Gandhinagar University is committed to offering impeccable academic standards with a global perspective. Our innovative and inclusive teaching methodologies are implemented in an excellent environment. Committed to excellence in teaching, research and service, the University aims to serve the higher education needs of India and the world beyond.
The curriculum is developed keeping in view the global standards but not compromising with the higher education framework and NEP 2020. The curriculum is student centric. Students will be involved in all the activities of the university. We look forward to teaching contents beyond syllabus in all the modes. The curriculum has been designed with industry-specific goals by incorporating updated knowledge. Our curriculum is exceptional and contemporary, a result of brainstorming efforts of great think-tanks. We sincerely believe that it will meet the aspirations of all stakeholders.

Prof. Kamalesh V.N.

Vice Chancellor , Gandhinagar University

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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